Oral Health Precautions to Take During Pregnancy

When you get pregnant, chances are you're thinking a lot about what the future holds—maybe not so much about your teeth or gums. However, they should be added to the list of concerns that you have when caring for your body for your pregnancy. Read on to discover what link exists between the two and what you should do to ensure you and your child are healthy. More Prone to Gum Disease Read More 

A Look At How Smoking Can Affect Your Teeth And Oral Health

If you smoke and have dental work, your dentist may recommend you stop smoking while your mouth is trying to heal. That gives you an indication that smoking is harmful to your dental health and can interfere with healing. Here's a look at the ways smoking cigarettes can harm your teeth and gums. Smoking Causes Bad Breath And Yellow Teeth If you're embarrassed by your constant bad breath and stained teeth, that might motivate you to quit smoking. Read More 

Why Your Children Should Get Dental Sealants

If you have kids, you may understand the challenges of getting them to brush their teeth. Even if they do brush their teeth willingly, they may not brush long enough or thoroughly enough. As your kids grow up, it becomes harder to monitor this essential daily task, and that is one of the reasons you should make sure your children get dental sealants. Here is an explanation of this reason and others to help you know how important sealants are for your child's teeth. Read More 

Mistakes Teens Make That Can Ruin Their Teeth

As the parent of teenagers, you may have a lot on your mind. You're probably thinking about your children's futures. Well, dental health is a large part of their futures. Unfortunately, they might be making mistakes that can negatively impact their dental health. Be on the lookout for the mistakes that are especially common with adolescents. Failing to Wear a Retainer Some teenagers don't like to wear their retainers. It might not feel comfortable while they're trying to sleep. Read More 

4 Ways To Support Your Baby’s Oral Health

Your family dentist looks after the oral health of each family member. The youngest members of your family also benefit from dental care as well. You likely take your baby to multiple appointments with the pediatrician to track their physical development and health. Their dental health is also important. Your family dentist will be able to share important information to keep your baby's oral health on the right track as they grow. Read More