Does Your Child Suffer From Sleep Disturbances? Signs It Might Be Sleep Apnea

Sleep problems can affect every aspect of your child's life. If your child suffers from sleep problems, they may need to take frequent naps. They may even suffer from problems at school. Unfortunately, it's not always easy to identify the cause of pediatric sleep disturbances. Some sleep disturbances are caused by growth spurts, hormonal changes, or even an uncomfortable mattress. But some pediatric sleep disturbances can be caused by more serious medical conditions. Read More 

What To Expect During Your First Day With Invisalign

Are you planning to get Invisalign to straighten your teeth, but worried about what the experience will be like? If so, it helps to know what to expect during the first 24 hours so that you know the first day is going normal and that there is no reason to be concerned. You Will Have A Slight Lisp There will be a small adjustment period to wearing the Invisalign plastic alignment trays. Read More 

Replacing a Missing Tooth With a Dental Implant

Dental implants can be an important and effective option for anyone that has lost a tooth. Unfortunately, patients that could otherwise benefit from dental implant procedures can overlook this option, which may lead to a less than ideal solution for their tooth loss. What Makes A Dental Implant A Particularly Durable Treatment Solution? One of the most important advantages of using dental implants is that they will be among the longest-lasting treatment solutions that patients can use for missing teeth. Read More 

Six Things You Need To Do When You First Begin Invisalign Treatment

There are some things that it's important you do when you begin Invisalign treatment to maximize your chances of success. It takes some time and effort to adjust to Invisalign treatment. However, you can adjust as smoothly as possible and ensure continued oral health throughout your treatment period by starting out prepared. The following are six things you need to do when you first begin Invisalign treatment to ensure that things go well. Read More 

Four Reasons to Choose a Family Dentist over a Pediatric Dentist

When your child is ready for their first dental appointment, you may wonder whether you should book with a specialized pediatric dentist or a general family dentist. While pediatric dentists are well-equipped to work with children, there are several benefits to starting your child with a family dentist.  A Family Dentist Can Offer Greater Continuity of Dental Care Family dentists often have experience working with children, teens, adults, and the elderly. Read More